“MA” Yoga

MA Yoga

My Yoga is so uniquely my own, just as your Yoga is so fabulously yours!

Lately, I have been reflecting on what Yoga means to me. Especially as I feel my body responding to old injuries and traumas and how that’s playing out in my thoughts and emotions.

Additionally, how the blessed role of being a Mother highlights all of my samskaras, that up until becoming a * “MA,” I seemed to manage with more finesse.

Then the realization that it’s really all ONE, creatively called “MA” YOGA. Motherhood is my Yoga!

I see it play out on the days that I am humbly called to my arthritic knee in prayer… my breath swallow, my hips stiffer and my head full. I am quicker to react vs respond. Then, on those magical days where everything (including myself) feels aligned… my heart is light, my breath deep and my mind spacious. I am love and capable of empathy. 

Swinging back and forth, like a displaced pendulum, I yearn for balance knowing that too is my practice.

My Mother’s Day blessing for all of us who “MA” in some form or another, is that we be more gentle and loving towards ourselves and each other. That we embrace each moment as an opportunity to come back home to the innate wisdom and wholeness within ourselves. That we choose, even in the midst of an emotional thunderstorm, to be conscious of our words, thoughts and actions towards ourselves and others. And… be willing to forgive ourselves and others when we realize that we’ve separated from our hearts. 

That to me is the day to day Yoga of life. Then we can relax into Sri. K. Patttabhi Jois words, “Practice and All is Coming.”

Happy “MA” Day!


*“MA” : Sanskrit word for Mother

Picture by Steve Ilg: me and my daughter  (when she was two ) exploring Triangle Pose. 🙂 


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